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This function prepares the chat completion prompt to be sent to the OpenAI API. It also generates a system message according to the given parameters and inserts it at the beginning of the conversation.


  history = NULL,
  style = getOption("gptstudio.code_style"),
  skill = getOption("gptstudio.skill"),
  task = "coding",
  custom_prompt = NULL



A list of previous messages in the conversation. This can include roles such as 'system', 'user', or 'assistant'. System messages are discarded. Default is NULL.i


The style of code to use. Applicable styles can be retrieved from the "gptstudio.code_style" option. Default is the "gptstudio.code_style" option. Options are "base", "tidyverse", or "no preference".


The skill level of the user for the chat conversation. This can be set through the "gptstudio.skill" option. Default is the "gptstudio.skill" option. Options are "beginner", "intermediate", "advanced", and "genius".


Specifies the task that the assistant will help with. Default is "coding". Others are "general", "advanced developer", and "custom".


This is a custom prompt that may be used to guide the AI in its responses. Default is NULL. It will be the only content provided to the system prompt.


A list where the first entry is an initial system message followed by any non-system entries from the chat history.